• Question: what was your 5th grade life

    Asked by jsmooth106 to Stephanie, Kevin, Kellie, Jonathan on 25 Apr 2016.
    • Photo: Jonathan Jackson

      Jonathan Jackson answered on 25 Apr 2016:

      Oh man, I was a hot mess as a fifth grader. I was sporting a flattop haircut, which had just gone out of fashion, I wore clothes that were the wrong size because I thought they made me look cool, and I was a smart aleck with a big mouth. Often I corrected people twice my age with an, “Actually, the word ‘nuisance’ means…”, and like every self-respecting fifth-grader, I constantly butted heads with my fourth-grade brother.

      But I devoured every book I could get my hands on, I rode my bike all over town, I watched every episode of Kratt’s Creatures and Bill Nye, I did terrible science projects at the last-minute but still had a great time thinking about the basic question of the world, and just generally enjoyed thinking about the world outside my head as much as the world inside my head.

    • Photo: Stephanie Moon

      Stephanie Moon answered on 25 Apr 2016:

      I went to a really small school in a tiny town in Colorado. I remember I liked playing the clarinet in band, reading, riding my bike and hanging out with friends.

    • Photo: Kevin Baker

      Kevin Baker answered on 25 Apr 2016:

      Honestly, all that I remember is that I was quite the trouble maker in 5th grade. I was in trouble every day it felt like. There was no reason to it either, I was a nice kid in 4th grade. I got better entering 6th grade.

    • Photo: Kellie Jaremko

      Kellie Jaremko answered on 25 Apr 2016:

      School, homework, playing with my pet dog, followed by swimming, softball, or school plays depending on the season. Also video games, lots of sonic the hedgehog.
