Funded by Johnson Matthey’s Science and Me programme
Questions Answered by Kevin
why do you play with scabs?isn’t that kind of gross?
by death the kid to Kevin
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when did you grow your beard
by Potatoman to Kevin
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if you could change thing about socity, what would it be?
by NERD to Kevin
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do you work alone or in groups
by Salim and 5 others. to Jonathan, Kellie, Kevin, Melissa, Stephanie
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How long have you done your job?
by Besiana and 5 others. to Melissa, Kevin, Jonathan, Kellie, Stephanie
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What is your oponion on if timetravel is possible or not.
by 457hemb33 to Jonathan, Melissa, Kevin, Stephanie
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What was your favorite thing to study in science as a kid
by 223hemb33 to Jonathan, Kellie, Kevin, Melissa, Stephanie
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Did you ever study anything else as a scientist?
by GAMm to Jonathan, Kellie, Kevin, Melissa, Stephanie
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Did you do sports growing up
by 496hemb33 and 1 other. to Jonathan, Kellie, Kevin, Melissa, Stephanie
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Are dragons real in your opinion?
by DRAGON PEEPS to Jonathan, Kellie, Kevin, Melissa, Stephanie
Comments: (so far, 10s comments )
Recent Comments
And the winner is… (1 comment)
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why should i vote for you (1 comment)
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Where in the wold is the least polluted? (1 comment)